Formal Verification Concordium Blockchain Research Center is developing formal verification methods for blockchain applications, a mathematical technique for proving that the software works as specified. The method of formal verification is developed for employment in high-stakes applications such as aeronautics software and banking software and is gradually applied.

Testing & Q&A Develop test cases from the technical specifications and ensure the final product behaves according to specification. Critical cryptographic components are also subjected to external review by experts to root out security flaws. The test team works independently of the development team.

Technical Specification & Coding Technical specifications are created by the tech development and architectural team. Add technical details and software architectural choices to the prototyped systems. Form the base with which the software development team programs the specification into a release candidate.

Prototyping Prototyping comprises specification and implementation of the functions presented in the science papers with due consideration to both the scientific findings and the possible technical and functional implementation for building the solution in practice

Academic Research Concordium blockchain begins with research to determine what brings value to the users and how science can best support innovations in features such as functionality, safety, and speed.